Many of them, though they lived long ago and their days are past, stand in much the same relation to us as a teacher does to his pupil, or a recipient of kindness to his benefactor, owing to the advantages that we derive from their written works and the benefits found in the material they gathered together in their books. I hope by this means to enable the reader to glean some understanding of the learning that Almighty God enabled these men to acquire and the copious natural talent and intelligence that He bestowed upon them. Lastly, I shall list the titles of some of their books. I also propose to record some of the remarks attributed to them and stories about them that have come down to us, together with entertaining anecdotes about them and the discussions in which they engaged. I have therefore determined to relate in this volume a number of reports and accounts that are told of the most distinguished of the physicians, both in antiquity and in more recent times, with the information regarding them arranged sequentially in chronological order. To my knowledge, however, none of these masters of the art of medicine and no one with a thorough knowledge of that art has ever written a comprehensive book dealing with physicians through the ages and recounting their history in a coherent fashion. These have included a number of very great physicians, men of the utmost skill and renown, whose excellence is proverbial and whose outstanding capacity and nobility have been recognized by successive generations, and whose compositions testify to their ability. Inevitably, then, since the art of medicine is such an exceptionally noble profession, and since there is such need for it everywhere and at all times, particularly great attention has always been paid to it, and there has always been the keenest and most intense interest in acquiring an understanding of its rules, both general and particular.Ĭonsequently, from the time when the art of medicine first arose down to our own day, there have been many who have practised it and sought to investigate its fundamental principles and learn about it. Now, a man cannot attain either of these unless he is in good health, for what is pleasant is obtained from this world, while what is good leads ultimately to our hope of Paradise in both cases continuing good health and a robust constitution are essential, and those can be secured only through the art of medicine, for it maintains health and restores it when it has been lost. Wise men have said that there are two types of aspiration: to what is good, and to what is pleasant. Its excellence is attested in scripture and the provisions of law, to such an extent that knowledge of the human body is deemed to be second in importance only to knowledge of religion. Turning to my subject, the art of medicine is among the noblest of professions and the most profitable of occupations. May God favour them all with honour and dignity.
May God bless him and grant him peace forever, as long as the lightning flashes and the rain falls, together with all his exalted and noble house, his companions, who strove to follow his example, and his wives, the mothers of the believers, who are free from all blemish. And I testify that Muḥammad is His servant and His apostle whom He sent to bring the divine message to all, Arab and non-Arab alike, and who dispelled the gloom of darkness with the shining light of his mission, destroyed the proud and tyrannical with his weapon of the miraculous Qur’an, and extirpated the disease of polytheism with the incontrovertible evidence of his prophethood. I testify that God is one, speaking in all sincerity, as one who pays what is due, avoiding the sins that come of words lightly spoken and subsequently regretted. Praised be God, He who has dispersed the world’s peoples and will gather them at the Resurrection, the creator of life and healer of the sick, He who graciously bestows abundant blessings but warns those who disobey Him that painful punishment and retribution await them, He who with consummate art brings creatures into being out of nothingness, who ordains diseases and reveals remedies with the most perfect skill and utmost sagacity. In the name of God, merciful and compassionate.